9 Liberating Discoveries to Be Bravely Yourself

‘My Week of Bravery’ came to a climactic end with my 5 liberating minutes on stage last Friday night. 

 The question of the night was:

“Do you have something that you know that if you do it, it will move your life forward, but you’re scared to do it?”

My Answer was YES!

What would your answer be?!

Indeed, my answer was YES. I know I’m meant to be on stage speaking, performing and inspiring large audiences, and I was so ready to liberate...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Free Yourself from Needing Others to Like You

Today, I invite you to watch this video….and JUDGE ME!

Yep, you heard right, I said, “Judge Me!”
And then…free yourself from needing others to like you.

I have declared this week, ‘My Week of Bravery.’ This is my time to liberate myself from all that holds me back from being bravely myself on stage in front of an audience. And on Friday, as the finale of this week, I will actually be on stage as part of a live event called “Night of Bravery.”...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Together in This Circle We Can Light-Up Our World

Today I had a realization (they seem to be coming fast and frequent these days). And because I’m all about being vulnerable and transparent even when it’s not the prettiest picture of me, I’d love to share with you…

I was drawing a sketch of our SPARK community and I was suddenly struck by the pedestal I had put myself on. Yes, I saw myself as the leader standing in the center of the circle shining my light as bright as I possibly could to illuminate your path. I saw...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Trust Yourself 100% of the Time

My baby boy took his first two steps today! Then fell on his butt with a big smile:)

Last night I experienced a sacred foot washing and the woman said to me, “May these sacred feet walk safely on the path of following your heart and spirit.”

As I watch baby learn to walk I notice my own feeling of discovering a whole new way to walk in the world. Trusting myself 100%, one step at a time. And when I falter, catching myself with a smile. And trusting once again. We’re in this...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Your Truest Self Will Lead You into Your Power

You are ready to be brave.

To liberate yourself and be exactly who you are.


Come out of hiding,

Release shame,

Tell your secrets,

Let go of guilt.

Courageously be seen in your vulnerable skin.


Find out how

To give yourself

Love. Acceptance. Forgiveness.

As a catalyst for your healing transformation.

Not needing anyone else

To determine your worth.


Nurture your spiritual connection.

Listen for your clear true voice, your wisdom,

Your greatest strengths.


Align everything


Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Use Your Voice to Claim Your Unique Strengths

How would your life transform if you decided to infuse your true essence–your inner strengths, your uniqueness, your purest energy, your naturalness–into everything you do?

  • Imagine the liberation of being completely and truly yourself within all of your relationships.
  • Imagine the sense of purpose and passion that would flow out of your core and flavor the work you do in the world.
  • Imagine how you would take care of yourself if you saw yourself in this empowered way.
  • Imagine...
Read your whole message from Jessica here.

The Secrets We Are Scared to Share

I used to fear that success would make me sick. I associated achieving my dreams and creating a successful business with stress and sacrifice.

Because of this, I held myself back, trying to protect my own wellbeing by keeping success at arm’s length. When I became aware of this limiting belief I made a decision that my success would flow from my wellness. I committed to caring for myself, keeping my Spark shining, and actualizing my dreams without burning out.

Recently I...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.
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